Regional Workshop on Strengthening Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning System with Applications of Space and Geographic Information Systems in Pacific Islands Countries

The regional workshop on Strengthening Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning System with Applications of Space and Geographic Information Systems in Pacific Islands Countries of “the Project on Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning Systems with Applications of Space and Geographic Information Systems in Pacific Island Countries”, was held in Nuku’alofa, Tonga from 26 to 27 April 2018.
The workshop aims to provide a forum for Pacific policy makers and government officials to share knowledge and experiences on multi-hazard risk assessment, early warning systems, geo-portals and the use of geospatial data for disaster risk management in the Pacific region. Key findings, outputs including national work plan on early warning systems, and lessons learned from the implementation of the project will be presented and discussed at the workshop for knowledge-building and policy making towards disaster-resilience society. In addition, the workshop will provide an opportunity to enhance south south cooperation platform through sharing disaster 
information and Pacific strategy to address the recurring disasters such as cyclones.

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