haze reduction in erdas

haze reduction in erdas

Atmospheric effects can cause imagery to have a limited dynamic range, appearing as haziness or reduced contrast. Use this dialog to sharpen an image using Tasseled Cap or Point Spread Convolution. For multispectral images, this method is based on the Tasseled Cap transformation that yields a component that correlates with haze. This component is removed and the image is transformed back into RGB space. For panchromatic images, an inverse point spread convolution is used.
 Due to the sensor-specific calculation of the Tasseled Cap transformation, this algorithm should be used only on Landsat 4 TM, Landsat 5 TM, and Landsat 7 TM imagery.
This dialog opens when you click Raster tab > Lookup_Table Radiometric show_menu > Haze Reduction.
Input File
[file name]    Enter the name of the input file, or click the dropdown arrow to open Recent Files menu.

open.png    Click to open File Selector to navigate to the input file, or right-click to open Recent Files menu.
Output File
[file name]    Enter the name of the output file.
open.png    Click to navigate to the directory to store the output file and choose the format type for the output file.
Files of type    In File Selector, click the dropdown arrow to select the output file format.
Coordinate Type Click the appropriate radio button to select the type of coordinates to use. If the input file does not have map coordinates, the coordinate type defaults to File.
Map Click to use map coordinates, if the data are rectified.
File Click to use file coordinates, which are pixels, starting with 0,0 in the upper-left corner.
Subset Definition Define a rectangular area of the data to be used as the output file. The coordinates of the subset may be derived from an Inquire Box in the View or by entering explicit X,Y values for the upper-left and lower-right corners of the subset. The default coordinates are the entire input file.
UL X    Upper-left X coordinate
UL Y    Upper-left Y coordinate
LR X    Lower-right X coordinate
LR Y    Lower-right Y coordinate
From Inquire Box Click to define a subset area of the data by using the Inquire Box. When you click this button, the coordinates are replaced with the coordinates of the Inquire Box in the View.
To change these coordinates, you can move or resize the Inquire Box in the View, then click this button again.
The image you are using and the Inquire Box must already be displayed in a View in order to use the From Inquire Box option. Otherwise, you may manually enter coordinates.
Method Click the dropdown list button to select the type of input image. This dropdown list is available when the input file you select is a Landsat TM image. Otherwise it defaults to Point Spread.
Point Spread This technique can be used for any data type because the kernel used is a model-based generic point spread inversion.
Landsat 4 TM The input image is a Landsat 4 Thematic Mapper (TM) scene.
Landsat 5 TM The input image is a Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) scene.
Point Spread Type Select the type of point spread. This group is available when Point Spread is the selected Method.
High Select this option to use a 5x5 convolution kernel for high-haze conditions.
Low Select this option to use a 3x3 convolution kernel for low-haze conditions.
Ignore Zero in Stats.    When this checkbox is checked, pixels containing file values of zero (0) are omitted when statistics are calculated for the output file.
Ignore Zero in Input When this checkbox is checked, pixels containing file values of zero (0) are omitted when statistics are calculated for the input file.
OK Click to run this program with the options selected and close this dialog.
Batch Open Batch Command Editor to schedule one or multiple processing jobs.
AOI Click to select an AOI (area of interest) in the image to which to apply this function. The Choose AOI dialog opens.
Cancel Click to cancel this process and close this dialog.
View Click to open a graphical model used for this function. The Model Maker window opens.
Help Click to open this Help document.

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